
Today is a day full of good newses. :D I hope it will continue through out the year.(insallah and massallah). In the newspaper, I read that our current caretaker government is finalizing a deal with Indian govt. about export our goods in India with out tax. :D That's really a inspiring news for us. Cause, when I was visiting India, we had some biscuits, dal vaja and other Bangladeshi foods and when we shared that with Mr. Banerji[he was become our uncle! lots of discussion we did with him and we really missed him when we were going back.:D the topic started about godfather and ends in politics:)] he said that he never had this kind of taste biscuits ;).

Cheers to Bangladeshi govt and Indian govt. Moreover, now Bangladesh railway is started to rebuild some rail lines as broad gage. yahoooooo. that means we may have that kind of train like we traveled in India. OH, I love this care taker govt. May Allah bless them and long live care taker govt. Moreover, Bangladesh has signed in ASIAN railway agreement, so with in 2008-09, we, Asian can visit any country! I really like traveling:). If Asia also comes out with a same currency like the Euro and didn't required any visa or work permit to work in ASIA, that will open a door to lots of talented people to utilize their potential. And I always prefer a working environment where different people with different cultures are working together. I think thats creates a healthy environment to work. I wish that will happened very soon insallah.

While I was modifying my IGoogle site, I got a cool site with poems and presentations. The style of the presentation is same as I made in my LCP election :)
So, here is the poem of that site, author is unknown:(
BCC: I will describe about the rest of my journey of previous post ;0 very soon insallah.

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the straggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

I really like it.

: Bangladesh is now playing steady today.:)

I am Back!

Wow…After a long time, I am back. Again start writing my blog! My dear blog, trust me, though there wasn’t enough time to miss you, ;) but I missed you a lot. Hehehe.

Right this moment, while listening “ JHUM BARA BAR JHUM”, I am really confuse about from where should I start! From where should I start writing about my UK trip….hmmmm…Lets start from beginning.

12 th April:

After being waiting a lot for the final confirmation, UK Government at last confirm me that Yh I was also selected as the delegate.!!!! WOW..WOW..Is it a dream? I was asking myself! Well, Etha, well done! But now you need the travel bruiser!

20th April:

They confirmed that, Yes, my application was strong enough to get the travel bruiser!!! Yes, Yes, Yes… now they are advising me to apply for VISA.

For UK Visa, I needed 9000 taka(63 pound) Cash, And I had only 3500 taka. It took another 17 days to save that money. I only told my mom and one of my friends about it.

(bcc: that’s the month I departed from AIESEC, a month full of surprisesL)

7th May: The day I applied for VISA. Ameena (One of my AIESEC friends, now she resigned) told me that, I had to take photos with white back ground. To me it’s already late. Cause those who were sponsoring my travel and other expenses, they wrote me to inform them as soon as I could, and the travel booking would be cancel after 28 th April! Now, Look at my photos! Oh its with Blue back ground! YAAR, I feel like I was dead.

It was 1.30 pm and I was in Uttara, I had to go to Gulshan before 4.00. OH, then I took photos in a studio after two years! 2.30pm, hey I got my pp size photo, with white background! But, oh look at me!

3.00pm : hey brother! Can u please tell me where is Uday tower?

3.05pm: in UDAY tower! Where is VFS? Excuse me, can u please tell me where is UK visa office? The information officer replied, oh you have to go to “** tower!”

For a while, I was thinking “really? But how!!!I called VFS, and they told me that I have to come to UDAY tower! They are working here and they are giving wrong information! how come? Is this guy telling me the right direction!? Confusion.” I just snidely go through the chart while talking with the guy! Yh he was right, there was no VFS.

3.15pm: Oh I am in front of VFS, waiting in QUEUE.

3.35pm: VFS officer was telling me that I would know about the result at 16 th MAY! Dam, year, its too late. I told him, "But my conference is on 22nd May, My departure is 21st MAY. isn’t it too late? ". He replied, "No, you have enough time!" DAM, dam.

May 12th : Got a email from IAIN , asking me about the progress of my visa. He was man for whom we, all the youth delegates, could participate in such a big event.

May 15th: At last, I got my VISA! Wow, it’s a multi transit visa, for Six months. Yahoo..

I reached at home 4.30pm. My mom was at the down stairs. MOOOOM, Look, Just showing her my VISA page!!! Hihihi. Then I emailed them my visa number…

May 17 th : My mom was the only person who knew about it. She was so tensed if my dad gave me permission to attend this or not!

10.00pm: I was at my dad’s room, discussing about my MBA program. After that, I just gave my dad to read the invitation letter of the Assembly. Hmmm.. They would take care of my delegation fees, food, accommodation! Everything there for seven days! Hmm, then My dad told me,” But you need plane fare!”

Then I opened the second page, hmm they were paying all my travel expenses!! Then he asked, ”but you need VISA”. I smiled, and said I got the VISA too. After seeing my VISA, confusedly looking at me and asking me "then what you want?! ". I said, "Dad I need you permission…"..after that, how any father can deny to give his daughter permission to go to Scotland all alone for 7 days! :D

May 18th: 11pm : I got my ticket, confirmed my AUNT (my mom’s youngest sister) that I didn’t get the schedule according to my preferences, but I will try to change my return ticket for LONDON. Don’t worry.

May 19th to MAY 21st: the time flied like missile. I hardly could trace it!

May 21 st :

9.35pm: I was in business class! Thanks to my Emirate's friend! It happened for one of my unknown friend, he was working in Emirate, and saw me in university, and knew that I was in AIESEC, and he was too. He was so friendly and so sweet. His name probably ! “Maruf”. He didn’t have his name card yaar. That’s the first name I am confused about and I was kicking myself in my mind for that. He was the nice person number ONE>

Hey I could talk with my sis and my mom! from the plane! Well done GP. :D My mom was crying[ she always cried and worried, when ever I stayed outside my home!!! My sis and brother named me “RAJKUMARI”[princess] as the whole family was there while I was going for INDIA by BUS for AIESEC conference” hihihih.] But this time, mom and dad!MOM, I love you too. I understand her feelings! And I am in business class! Thanks to ALLAH for the blessing.

9.45pm: Plane was start running for take off. I got a beautiful lady with me as my mate through out the journey. I look outside and it seemed that all the blue starts were smiling on the ground. That’s the beginning of my journey!

Oh, I am tired. Have MBA classes up to 10pm. Reached home at 11pm. I hardly can woke up in the morning now a days. I used to wake up at 1 pm in bd time! Which is 8am in the morning in LONDON! ;(

BCC: Now i was checking mail at my hotmail acc as its full of 442 mails! Well NOW I get a email from my chines friend JOYCE, AND I feel so happy...we had a great time in Scotland and also in LONDON. She was in my aunt house for one night there and we had lots of fun.. and we all(my aunt, uncle, my cousin and me) watch GURU...I at last managed original DVD of GURU..hehehe..Ameena's DAD bought that for me from INDIA!

And I also get a message from an old friend..who was apologising for the blander he did...its really apritiating that someone realize their misdead. But.... I don't know why I am feeling so sad, and having unbearable pain inside my heart...why I am crying..I don't know.. I don't understand...I should forgive..But I don't know when I can! I wish I will forgive that person soon. :) That much I can pray for u and for myself.