Todays to tomorrow


I have come back from APXLDS......

One of the most life changing experience that i

This is the first time i ever went outside Bangladesh.....and get the opportunity to have friends from different countries......and ......!!!

After an international conference i am now again focusing on myself!..instead of focusing on AIESEC or other just feeling that i am getting myself again.

Before APXLDS it seems that i was lost and that i realised when i was in AP....

Oh ap...ap...ap...............:D

This conference makes me practical....rather then emotional...what i was actually and i learn to live today then tomorrow.......

Well about writing what i learnt from this conference would never end....

So lets share something different from learning and .bla bla bla

This is the 1st 26Th MARCH( our independence day) .......and we were not in our land....

We were in the train travelling from Hyderabad to Kolkata.......(like we were in FAR FAR land....;))

Me, Nil, Santo, Somikh...find out that "hey Bangladesh is Now in 2nd round of world cup Cricket for the 1st time ever and today is our Independent day!!!!!!!!!!"..and where we are!!!!!!

We started missing our country so much....feeling like..yaar..where we are!!......Kothay amer Sonar Bangla........Ah.......hmmmmmmm

We started singing all the Songs that we knew(definately the songs that had written for BANGLADESH....hehehehe.......)

This feeling encouraged us to sing all the songs that we knew......and After a looooon loooong time we realized that, how true it is to realize that .............

" o..amar..desher..mati..tomer..tore..thekai ..matha...."....sorry only bangali people can read it :D

we all really love our country so much......but we just hardly got the opportunity to realize that............."

And you know....i find out that our mother toung is so sweet....( BANGLA)..and some emotions are really hard to express in other langauges but so easy in bangla and its so humourous..that i have to say ...AH..JOSS....

amar Bangladesh.......ami tomake oneeeeeeeeeeeeek ....valo bashi...................:D
